Approving Punchlist or COW Items

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Approving Punchlist or Carry Over Work (COW) Items

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Approving of punchlist or COW items is done within the Punchlists Manager. Make use of the available filter/search options available to identify punchlist or COW items that require approval in addition to the other filter/search criteria (i.e. Location, Subsystems, Disciplines, Responsible Company/Person, etc.).

The process for approving Punchlist or COW items is outlined below:




Once the required punchlist or COW item(s) requiring approval is identified, select/highlight the punchlist or COW item and click on Edit, or click on the Punchlist ID hyperlink. This will open the Punchlist Edit Form.

Accept or Reject punchlist or COW item.


In the Punchlist Edit Form, make any necessary changes on the punchlist or COW item.  Select either the REJECT or ACCEPT button to either approve or reject the punchlist or COW item.

E-Mail Notification.


If either of the REJECT or ACCEPT button is selected, an E-Mail Notification dialog box appears.

If an E-Mail Notification is required, click Create E-Mail.

    1. This allows the punchlist or COW item approver to notify affected personnel (i.e. procurement department) via e-mail.
    2. A list of client representatives will appear for selection.

      1. If the individual is not listed in the E-Mail dropdown list you can select the Show Address Book checkbox to load all users in the CE database.
      2. Select the user(s) you want by checking the boxes, then select Create E-Mail button.

Next Training Topic:  Completing Approved Punchlist or COW Items

For internal use only