Asset Statuses

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Asset Statuses

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The Asset Statuses Manager allows a User to create different types of 'Asset Status' (e.g. Commissioning, In Operations, Decommissioned, etc.) that can be selected when creating a new or editing an existing asset.  A user can then query against the different statuses to see how a projects assets are grouped, run various reports, etc..

The process for creating new Asset Statuses and assigning them to Assets is outlined below:




Navigation:  Configuration > Assets/Documents > Asset Statuses

Asset Statuses Manager.


Click the 'New' button from the Asset Statuses Manager bottom controls ribbon.

The Asset Status Edit Form will load.

Asset Status Edit Form.


Enter new Asset Status.

Assign Asset Status Color.

Save and Exit.

Assign Asset Status to an Asset.


Open an Asset Status Edit Form (from creating a new or editing an existing asset).

Select the Status dropdown.

Select Asset Status.

Save and Exit.

Next Training:  Asset Types

For internal use only