Certificate Completion with Punchlist Exceptions

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Certificate Completion with Punchlist Exceptions

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CE was modified to allow for CERTIFICATE TYPES to be configured allowing for completion of a certificate with the ability to flag CRITICAL and/or OTHER Punch list items as Exceptions.   The information below will provide the instructions needed to configure CE to enable the certificate exceptions functionality.

Exceptions only apply to punch list. If pending task is not completed, CE will NOT allow a user to complete a certificate.  A user must complete them.   Exceptions are automatically applied to CRITICAL punch list items and that is not configurable, it is CE methodology. The “Punch list Threshold” functionality is used ONLY when a particular certificate also considers other NON-CRITICAL punch list items that also should be flagged for possible exceptions. The meaning of “threshold” is that if a use selects priority B, CE will include any punch list B priority and above.

To define the sequence of punch list priorities, an admin user must go to the priorities table, and query for any priority associated with the punch list module. They then must sequence the priorities, as the “threshold” must know what is above the priority level you are setting as a threshold.

Only users that have the Punch list (Exceptions) role will have the ability to override the completion of a certificate by flagging exceptions.  


In Subsystem SS1 it has 3 tasks that are completed, however there are 3 pending punchlist items.  There is one Critical (Priority A), a non-critical (Priority B), and another non-critical (Priority C).   A user wants to complete the certificate by flagging the Priority A and B punchlist items as exceptions.  

The process for Certificate Completion with Punchlist Exceptions is outlined below:




Certificate Edit Form:

The example certificate is for one subsystem, that has all tasks completed. However, there are 3 pending punchlist items.

A user can select the pending tabs to review any item that could be completed prior to flagging as exceptions.  

When COMPLETE is pressed, it will show a dialogue for exception acceptance.

Certificate Type Edit Form.


Certificate Type Edit Form:

Administrator can configure the Certificate Types to select YES for the “Punchlist Thresholds”.

Certificate Module.


Certificate Module:

This image is to demonstrate the 3 pending punch list items, 2 of which by the way the threshold is configured will be flagged as exceptions.

Certificate Edit Form.


Certificate Edit Form:

Upon completion, a dialogue will load showing the 2 pending punch lists that will be flagged as acceptions.   Enter a comment for both punchlist.

Note: A user with “Exceptions” role, can go back into the individual PLs and edit their exceptions after this step, if needed.

Note: If a user presses CANCEL, it will then automatically load the PENDING PUNCHLIST tab for either completion or review.

Certificate Edit Form - Pending Punchlist Tab.


Certificate Edit Form:

After setting the punchlist items as exceptions they will not show up on the PENDING PUNCH LIST tab as exceptions.

They will also show up on the Certificate Datasheet as exceptions.

Punchlist Edit Form.


Punchlist Edit Form:

A user can select the punch list items as exceptions and customize their exception comments.

Next Training:  Handover Packages

For internal use only