Company Instances and Projects

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Company Instances and Projects

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The project governance system is designed around projects, therefore the project module is the module that users will be required to enter in new projects. It is also used to enter WBS and Benchmark Reports.

Depending on the project and contract requirements, CCMS allows the System Administrator the ability to create a single or multiple projects within an Instance; or creating multiple Instances for different projects.

The diagram below shows the differences between the setup of company instances and projects.

Information regarding Company Instances and Projects is outlined below:




Select Projects

From the Switchboard, navigate to the Configuration tab.

Navigation:  Select Configuration tab > Projects

Projects Manager.


Select New

Creating a new Project within the Projects Module.

Select NEW to create a new project.

Creation Methods.


The Creation Wizard will open.  Select the desired method of creation.

Creation Method – Instances and Projects

Option 1:

Create a Blank Project

Create in current instance

Creating a Project in the current Instance from afresh.

Populate all applicable fields in the ‘General’ tab.

Option 2:

Create from existing Project

Create in current instance

Allows user to create a Project in the CURRENT Instance and ability to replicate/transfer data from an existing Project. User selects the Project Data to be transferred:

  • General Data
  • Companies
  • Systemization
  • Control System Breakdown
  • Task Models
  • Resources
  • Locations

Create in selected instance

Allows user to create a Project in ANOTHER Instance by replicating an existing Project.

Create in new instance.

(Own reference data like Asset Type, Document Type, Disciplines, Workgroups, etc.)

This is the most commonly used option. It allows the user to create a new Instance for a new Project.

User can define the Instance related fields and Project Data to be carried over OR creating new fields and data for the Instance.

Option 3:

Copy from Source project into Target project

Selecting projects

This option is used AFTER the new Project has been created and the user wants to transfer Project Data from an existing/established Project to the new Project.

Option 4:

Copy from Source database instance and project into Target instance/project

Selecting instances and projects

This option is used AFTER the new Instance and Project have been created. This allows the user to transfer/replicate/assign data from existing/established Instances and Projects to this newly created Instance and Project.


  • Options 1 and 2 are for CREATING new Instances and Projects.
  • Options 3 and 4 are replicating/transferring data from an existing Instance or Project. Normally chosen after Option 1 or 2.

Create a Blank Project - Create in Current Instance.


Enter Project Data

Populate the fields and step through the Steps tab before Saving.

Select SAVE.


  1. Required fields are identified with RED text.
  2. Business Unit and Program are unique per instance.

If project has no specific project logos, it will use the default in “database configuration” module.

Create from Existing Project - Create in Current Instance.


Select Project to Copy

Select the existing Project to replicate from.

Populate the required fields and select the Project Data to transfer to the new Project.

Select SAVE.

Create from Existing Project - Create in Selected Instance.


Select Instance

Select existing Instance for the new Project to be allocated to.

Select Project to Copy

Select Project Data tab and existing Project to replicate.

Populate the required fields and select the Project Data to transfer to the new Project.

Select SAVE.

Create from Existing Project - Create in New Instance.


Select Source Instance

Select an existing Instance for the new Instance to replicate. Enter in the new Instance name and description.

Select “Items to copy” (checklists to copy to new instance)

Press NEXT

Select Existing Project to replicate.

Populate the required fields and select the Project Data to transfer to the new Project.

Select SAVE.


  1. This allows a user to create their own reference data such as:  Asset Types, Document Types, Disciplines, Workgroups, etc.
  2. Typical items that copied are resources, and task models (which will also reference test forms, test profiles etc).
  3. Companies are across every instance.  This is done so the database does not duplicate multiple companies (e.g. mfgs, vendors, which is also required for user activity reporting).

Copy from Source Project into Target Project - Selecting Projects.


Select Source Project

Select an existing Project to copy information from (e.g. asset types).

Select Target Project

Select Source Project Data

Select SAVE.


Task Models are the most common option selected for data transfer. System Administrator do not need to recreate Task Models manually for the new Project, hence, the time saving.

Copy from Source Database Instance and Project into Target Instance and Project.


This option is used where an administration may do “as-needed” configuration updates of a target project.  For example, when the admin originally setup a project the asset types were not pulled over, this option will allow them to add new asset types as needed without exporting and importing.

Select Source / Target Instances

Select the Target Instance for items to be copied.

Select Source / Target Projects

Select an existing Project to replicate and the Target Project for the Project Data to be transferred to

Select Source Project Data

Select the Project Data to Transfer options.

Select SAVE.


This option will save the System Administrator from building a new Instance and Project from afresh if most of the data used are in accordance to the organization standards.

Next Training:  Task Models

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