Create Job Cards

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Create Job Cards

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The process for Creating Job Cards is outlined below:




Navigation:  Completions > Work and Job Completions > Job Cards

Job Cards Manager New Button.


Press NEW > Enter in General Job Information.

Job Cards Edit Form.


Enter Description, Job Type, System, Phase, Discipline and Priority.

Select Scheduled Start Date and assigned Responsible Company.

NOTE:  When creating a Job Card it is important that the project first has clear established WBS structures (Phase, Stages) and Job Structures (Job Categories and Job Types). These MUST be completed prior to assigning any task models to create “task instances”.

NOTE:  It is very important that a JC has at a minimum the following assigned:

-        Plant, Process Area, and System

-        Project and Phase

Job Cards Edit Form - Tasks Tab.


Select the “Tasks” tab > Select Checkbox for each task you want in the Job Card.

To select a task(s), left click the checkbox or row that is to be assigned to the JC.

Press the column headers (i.e. task name or asset) to ascend or descend the list of tasks.

Note:  The list of tasks shown in the TASKS tab is automatically populated based on JOB CARD Settings.  The tasks listed will have the same attributes as the JC, such as:

-        Location Associations (i.e. system)

-        Work Associations (i.e. phase)

Job Cards Edit Form - Save Button.


Press SAVE to commit the Tasks to the database.

Job Cards Edit Form - Close Form Button.


Close the Job Cards Edit Form.

Job Cards & Tasks Edit Forms.


The purpose of showing both the Job Card and Task Edit forms side-by-side is to underline the importance that Job Cards will ONLY list tasks that have same attributes, as shown below. Tasks will be queried by the same Work and Location associations. If a Job Card Work Assocation is assigned down to an activity and only the task instances are assigned down to a Stage, then no tasks will be shown.    

Job Cards & Tasks Edit Forms - Work, Location and Process Association, and Work Breakdown Association.


It is IMPORTANT that both the Job Card and Task associations go down to the same level (i.e. Phase / Stage and System / Subsystem).

Job Card Edit form.

Task Instance Edit Form

(Also known as a “Planned Task”.  A task that was created from a task model).

Next Training:  Generate Job Card Completions Reports

For internal use only