Creating a TOP and Assign TOP Content Requirements

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Creating a TOP and Assign TOP Content Requirements

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The process for Creating a TOP and Assign TOP Content Requirements is outlined below:




Navigation:  Completions > Handover Package Tracking

Handover Packages Manager.


Handover Packages Manager.

Handover Packages Manager - New Button.


Press NEW to create new TOP.

Edit Hanover Package Form - General Tab.


Enter data in “General” tab of Edit Hanover Package Form.

When creating a TOP it is important to have at a minimum the following:

  • Description

  • Package Type

  • System and/or Subsystem

  • Due Date

  • Responsible Company

NOTE:  The naming convention of TOPs can be either auto or manually generated. If the user selects “manual” TOP naming , any text can be entered. If the user selects “auto generated”, the CCMS will utilize the abbreviation of the TOP type (see Manage Work Package Types) + the System/Subsystem No.



NOTE:  The Package Type will set the TOC requirements.

Edit Handover Package Form - TOC Tab.


Select TOC Tab.

Confirm Table of Content (TOC) items.

The list shown is dependent on the Package Type assigned. The user must now identify what out of the list of “default” line items actually apply to the particular system or subsystem. As an example, some subsystems do not have mechanical equipment, so you would not select Mechanical Equipment List TOC line item.

Edit Handover Package Form - Save Button.


Press SAVE to commit the new TOP to the database.  It will also commit a list of TOCs that must be assigned specific TOP documentation.

Next Training:  Creating and Updating a TOP Transmittal

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