Punchlist & Carry Over Work (COW) E-Mail Notifications within Workflow State
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All punchlist and COW items have an established workflow associated with them. There are two ways a user can see at what point in the workflow the punchlist or COW item is in:
- The Coloured Bubble Icon assigned against each of the punchlist or COW item indicates its Workflow Status. A legend indicating the workflow status color is displayed by hovering the mouse pointer over the bubble icon.

- Open the desired punchlist or COW item and look at the 'Workflow' tab in the top ribbon of the Punchlist Edit Form. The current worklfow state is displayed in red, italicized and underlined text.

CE-CCMS Punchlists Manager provides the capability of E-Mail notifications within each punchlist or COW items workflow state. The list below identifies who will receive the e-mail notifications at each workflow/status of a punch or COW item:
- Create Punchlist or COW item
- The system user that creates (Creator/Originator) the punchlist or COW item will send an e-mail notification to selected client representative approver. The Creator/Originator will select the Approver to approve the punchlist or COW item.
- Approving/Rejecting Punchlist or COW item
- If the Approver APPROVES, an e-mail notification is generated to the Creator/Originator and the assigned Responsible Person.
- If the Approver REJECTS, an e-mail notification is generated to the Creator/Originator.
- Completing Punchlist or COW item
- The responsible person completes the punchlist or COW item, an e-mail notification is generated to the Approver.
- Closing Punchlist or COW item
- If the Approver selects CLOSE, an e-mail notification is generated to the Originator and Responsible Person.
- If the Approver selects CANCEL COMPLETION, an e-mail notification is generated to the Responsible Person. The punchlist or COW item will reopen at the Approved status.
Next Training Topic: Generating Punchlist or COW Reports
For internal use only
