Safety Isolations Development

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Safety Isolations Development

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The process for Safety Isolations Development is outlined below:




The IBS Safety Isolation software is a stand‐alone program used to develop and maintain Safety Isolation Procedures and Lockout Forms. All isolations are managed using a controlled change management process.

All isolations follow an isolation life‐cycle of:

  1. Created
  2. Submit for Verification
  3. Verification/Walk‐down
  4. Approval
  5. Expiration

Isolations can be assigned an expiration date.  If a user decides to add an expiration date the default is three (3) years from the isolation creation date. It is important that the default expiration date (duration of approval state) is discussed, approved and set up in the SIM Configuration Manager prior to isolation development. It is also important that Standard Procedures are developed and approved prior to isolation development.

Create and Approve Standard Procedures.


Isolation Standard Procedures provide plant personnel a standardized and approved method to perform specific (high risk) actions. Standard Procedures (e.g. verification procedures) are used to perform specific actions required to isolate a hazardous source (mass or energy). The procedure will provide personnel a step‐by‐step process to ensure proper isolation of an isolation point (e.g. nuclear device) and restoration back into operations. This tool also provides a good way to reference specific Client Safety Standards such as Confined Space and Fall Protection standards.

To access the Isolation Standard Procedures Manager follow the steps below:

  1. Select the ‘Configuration’ icon in the bottom ribbon.

  1. Select ‘Isolation Standard Procedures’ from the Configuration Managers window.

The Isolation Procedures Manager will open.

Edit Isolation Procedures.


To Edit an existing Isolation Procedure follow the steps below:

  1. Use Search panel to find desired procedure.
  2. Select procedure to be edited.
  3. Select Edit button from bottom ribbon.

Isolation Procedure Edit Form.


An Isolation Procedure Edit Form will open.  You can then edit the Primary Data and Actions sections.  When editing is completed select the Save button.

Work Instructions.


Only “approved” Standard Procedures are able to be referenced in an Isolation Procedure. Standard Procedures follow a similar change management process as an Isolation Procedure. Each Standard Procedure must be:

  1. Created
  2. Submitted for approval
  3. Approved

After a Standard Procedure and associated step actions are created, the user will press the “Submit for Approval” button. Doing this will generate an email list of “Approvers”.  Select the ‘Create E-Mail’ button to notify them of the requested action to approve the procedure, and if necessary state the reason.

The generated email will contain Procedure Number, Description, required Action and a link to the procedure in need of approval for the Approvers group.

When the “Approver” pulls up the Procedure requiring approval will prompt them to either “Accept Changes” or “Reject Changes”. If the approver accepts changes, it will automatically make the procedure available to isolation development. If the user rejects changes, it will put the procedure back to its creation state.

Create and Edit Isolation Step Models.


Isolation Step Models provide a standardized method to assign step requirements, specifically “Devices”, “Permits” and “Standard Procedures”. This tool allows the user to define general activities used to create steps in an isolation procedure.  For example, a step in isolating a pump will be to “Open Circuit Breaker, Lock and Tagout”. This step could be used in multiple procedures. The goal is to create general steps that can be used across various types of equipment and the creation of these steps should be limited to the Approvers group.

To access the Isolation Step Models Manager follow the steps below:

  1. Select the ‘Configuration’ icon in the bottom ribbon.

  1. Select ‘Isolation Step Models’ from the Configuration Managers window.

The Isolation Procedures Manager will open.

Edit Isolation Step Models.


To Edit an existing Isolation Step Model follow the steps below:

  1. Use Search panel to find desired step model.
  2. Select step model to be edited.
  3. Select Edit button from bottom ribbon.

Isolation Step Models Edit Form.


An Isolation Step Models Edit Form will open.  You can then edit the General, Devices, Permits & Procedures tabs.  When editing is completed select the Save button.

Develop and Maintain Isolation Procedures.


The training example covered in this document is designed to develop a Safety Isolation Procedure to support a maintenance task for an inspection of an agitator blade for wear.  

The first step is to identify if there are any existing Isolation Procedures for the desired asset. To trigger a search the Author would enter the asset tagname and press SEARCH to populate the asset tag list.  Select the asset from the asset tag list to view associated isolations; these isolations are displayed in the secondary view panel. In this case, there are no isolations created or approved. To create a new isolation the Author would select the ‘New Iso’ button to load the Isolation Wizard.

Note:  In this section two (2) different steps are referenced:

  1. Dev. Step #:  Steps taken while developing the instruction document
  2. Isolation Step #:  Steps that are taken when actually isolating the equipment or system.

Isolation Wizard.

After the Author has selected the equipment and pressed the New Iso button it will load the Isolation Wizard. The wizard will provide three (3) options to create an isolation.

The three options include:

  1. Create a blank Isolation – Creates a blank isolation from scratch.
  2. Create  a  blank  Isolation  from  a  Task  Model  –  Creates  a  blank  isolation  but  populates  task information from a task model.
  3. Copy an existing Isolation – Creates a new isolation by copying from an existing isolation. All content from the existing isolation will be copied into the new isolation; which includes, task information and assigned isolation points, devices, permits, step procedures and special comments.

Create a Blank Isolation

For our example we will use Option 1.  Once you have selected the desired option select the ‘Finish’ button at the bottom of the Edit Isolation Window.  The Isolation Edit Form will then load and allow you to enter a new isolation.

Populate all relevant data on the General tab.  Before assigning Isolation Steps there are two items that SHOULD be entered, they are:

  • Reference Number: The reference number is used to link a Safety Isolation Procedure to a maintenance task, or a standard operating or maintenance procedure. The naming convention should be identified prior to any isolation development.
  • Special Instructions: Describe the unique environment or special conditions that need to be met in order to execute the isolation procedure.

Create a Blank Isolation - Isolation Steps

The next development step is to assign Isolation Steps (e.g. Equipment Isolation Point) and order them in the appropriate Lockout sequence. For the purpose of training, the first isolation step will demonstrate both the automatic and manual process of assigning the required safety controls to an isolation point.  An action model will expedite and standardize isolation development.

Note:  When possible electrical equipment should be isolated first.

For internal use only