Safety Isolations Navigation

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Safety Isolations Navigation

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The process for Safety Isolations Navigation is outlined below:




Searching for Isolation Procedures can be achieved using two (2) methods, both accessed by the SIM accordions, located at left of the SIM main page.

Search Method 1:  Search Panel


The first and most effective search method is achieved by using the “Search” panel. This panel provides a collection of fields to search by and is the quickest way to find an isolation procedure.

Search Method 1:  Search Panel

  • Isolation Status
  • Asset Tagname
  • Asset Description
  • Isolation Change History
  • Etc.

Search Method 2:  Browse Panel


The second method is the “Browse” panel. The browse method allows personnel to perform a less targeted search by reviewing plant Areas, their equipment and assigned isolation procedures. This method is commonly used when personnel or contractors do not know specific equipment numbers but know generally where the equipment is located.

Search Method 2:  Browse Panel (4 level Tree view)

  • Plant
  • Process/Facility
  • Area
  • Physical Location

Using the Browse method, a user would begin a search by selecting the top “Node” (on the Tree View), which is equivalent to an operating plant. When selected, it will expand a list of Process and/or facilities assigned to the plant. As they drill down further, eventually selecting a single physical location, a list of equipment will be listed.  To see an isolation procedure, the user must select the desired equipment and upon selection it will list all isolations, regardless of their approval status.

View/Print Isolation Work Instructions and Lockout Forms.


After the desired equipment and isolation procedure is selected, the user will select the ‘Work Instructions’ and/or the ‘Lockout Form’ buttons located in the bottom ribbon of the Safety Isolations Manager.  Make sure an isolation is selected or the buttons WILL NOT be enabled.

Enter Search Criteria (Step 1)

  • Asset
  • Asset Description
  • Asset Type
  • Isolation Status

Select Asset Record (Step 2)

Select Isolation Record (Step 3)

Select Form to Display (Step 4)

The selected form will open up a new webpage or tab in Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer. The user will then be able to view, save or print the document. When documents are generated with a “watermark” it is crucial that the isolation is NOT used.

  1. Isolations with the “Unapproved” watermark MUST NOT be used.  These isolations remain in the development stage or have been manually revoked due to plant changes.

  1. Isolations with the “Expired” watermark MUST NOT be used.  Expired isolations were once approved and past their expiration date. Expired isolations must be re‐approved before they can be used.

Work Instructions.


The ‘Work Instructions’ button will generate the following:

An instructional procedure that identifies the primary equipment to be locked out, isolation task, a list of isolation points, each requiring isolation devices, permits, actions  and verification procedures.

Lockout Forms.


The ‘Lockout Form’ button will generate the following:

A list of Isolation step information which is typically inserted into the lockout board/box. This form is used to track specific locks, personnel initials, and date/time each lock is placed, or removed from the lockout box or energy source.

Next Training:  Safety Isolations Development

For internal use only