Complete Tasks using SmartForms

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Completing Tasks using SmartForms

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Once you have Checked Out and Synchronized tasks in SmartForm(s) on your mobile device, you can go about completing the job. Fill out the form questions (online or offline), get signatures from manager/executor, then complete and close the form.




Click a blue hyperlink that contains the Task ID.

The HTML test form opens.


Fill out Task Steps in the form by selecting an answer for each step (radio button - Accept/Reject/N/A).

If the answer is incorrect, it triggers the interface to enter in a Punchlist.


When a punchlist is created, it is important to fill out information completely.

1. Take a picture.

2. Enter in “action required” (REQUIRED FIELD).
3. Select a PRIORITY, as it will set the DUE DATE.

Press Save when you are done with the Punchlist.


Enter any Comments and/or Observations in the appropriate area.

Once all questions have been answered, Punchlist items addressed (if applicable), and comments typed in, signatures are required.

The Contractor Representative (must match the Name:) clicks on the Pen Icon in the Signature text box and signs their name digitally.

Press OK.

A time-stamp is automatically created in the Date Field.

You can click Return to Manager at this point if you do not have a supervisor available out in the field.

If a Company Representative is available to close the task(s) and Accept that the Contractor has completed the work to specifications, click on Name: Select One to choose a supervisor from a dropdown.

The Supervisor then signs the form digitally.

Once both signatures are captured, click Return to Manager.

The System returns to the SmartForms Manager.


If all signatures are in place, the icon next to the appropriate Task ID turns black to indicate the form is closed.

If only the Contractor Representative signs the form, the icon turns blue.

If/when the mobile device has internet connectivity, click Upload Changes, to upload the form back into CE. Any newly checked-out tasks are automatically retrieved by the device as well.

All completed tasks are removed from the mobile device.

The SmartForms Manager informs you when all changes have been uploaded.

To get back to CE, click Checkout Forms.

Next Training:  Closing a Task in the Cloud

For internal use only