Configure Module Interface Settings

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Configure Module Interface Settings

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This section provides configuration to the ‘Settings/Configuration Gear’, System Administrator can create shortcuts to other configuration modules that are related to the working module, e.g. In the Assets and Tags Manager, the ‘Settings/Configuration Gear’ will show configuration for Asset Statuses, Asset Types, Disciplines, Pump Types, Cable Types and Class, etc.




Edit Configuration Module List

Step 3 Interface Settings tab of the User Applications Editor defines the ‘Settings/Configuration Gear’ modules that are related to the main working module.

System Administrator can add or remove any modules to the existing list. Generally, it is setup to link Configuration Type Modules.

Select SAVE

Configuration Manager Interface.


From the module, select the ‘Gear’ icon to view the Configuration Managers Interface.

The Configuration Managers Interface would display a list of shortcuts to the required modules.

The Break checkboxes allows the list to be separated by a different shade of colour. Mainly it is used to distinguish the different group of modules.

Select SAVE

Next Training:  Configure Module Workflow Settings

For internal use only