Configure Module Workflow Settings

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Configure Module Workflow Settings

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Depending on the project requirement, CCMS have the flexibility to allow the System Administrator to define and set the appropriate work-flow for every CCMS module.

By default, CCMS already have set standard workflows to several modules (to name a few) listed below:




Select Application

Select the Module to edit the Workflow settings (e.g. vPunchlist – Punchlist and C.O.W Manager).

Edit Workflow.


Edit Workflow

In the ‘Application Editor’, make sure the ‘Show’ boolean is checked for ‘Workflow?’

By selecting ‘Show’, the ‘Workflow Settings’ tab will be activated.

The Workflow Settings tab provides the general setup within the module to go through a set of workflows for creating a record in the database.

Note: Allow Editing

Allow Editing (who/when) boolean allows the workflow to be edited against a record. This can be turn-off to prevent changes of the workflow log.

If the ‘Allow Editing’ is ‘YES’, users with administrative rights can edit the who and when on the workflow log within the record editor. Screenshot shows the Punchlist Editor workflow.

If the ‘Allow Editing’ is ‘NO’, the workflow log cannot be edited or change. This is normally the preferred option.

Note: Use Workgroup & Responsible Company

The ‘Use WorkGroup’ and ‘Use Responsible Company’ options are to control accessibility of records editing.

If both the options are set to ‘YES’, this makes the record only editable to the assigned Workgroup and Company. A user from another workgroup or company would not be able to edit, complete, submit, etc. the record.

So, if user A is with Company ABC and tries to edit or complete a punch that has been assigned to Responsible Company XXX, user A will not be able to change or update the punch item.

Note: Expiration Reminders

Expiration Reminders option is for modules that have ‘Expiry Dates’ inputs against its records.

If ‘Expiration Reminders’ is ‘YES’, input for ‘Days Ahead’ can be set.

Modules that have option to set Expiry Dates against its records will get email notifications if the ‘Expiration Reminders’ is set as ‘YES’.  CE will send a notification within the pre-set days before the Expiration Date is due on the records.

Define Workflow States.


Define Workflow States

The Workflow that appears in the ‘Punchlist Editor’ is setup from the ‘User Applications Editor’.

System Administrator can change the workflow steps to be in accordance with the project requirements.

The standard workflows available in CCMS are:

  • Originated
  • Requested
  • Prepared
  • Submitted
  • Issued
  • Checked
  • Accepted
  • Approved
  • Completed
  • Closed
  • Verified
  • Archived
  • Rejected
  • Revoked

Note:  Locking State

The ‘Locked’ checkboxes option allows the locking of the ‘Punchlist Editor’ against any changes to the data fields once the workflow status has been achieved.

In this case, once the punch item reaches the ‘Closed’ status, the punch item is locked and no changes will be saved.

Define Required Fields.


Required Fields can be set within each workflow state.

The ‘Required Fields’ will force the user to populate the identified mandatory fields before the record can be saved or progress to next state.

In this example, the Punch Item record is in the ‘Submitted’ workflow status. As per the ‘User Applications’ editor setup, there are mandatory fields to be populated before it can progress to the next workflow status.

The Punch Item editor will highlight the mandatory fields in RED.

As the Punch Item progressed to ‘Accepted’ stage, ‘Action Taken’ field is now the mandatory field for this Punch Item to be ‘Completed’.

System Administrator can set the mandatory fields required in the ‘User Applications’ configuration for Punchlist & C.O.W Manager as required.

Note:  Locking Fields

The ‘Lock Fields’ configuration lets the System Administrator choose which data fields to lock from editing as the records go through the workflows.

The ‘User Applications’ for ‘vPunchlist’ shows that when the record is at ‘Accepted’ state, data field for ‘Description’ will be locked from editing.

The difference between the ‘Locked?’ and the ‘Locked Fields’ configurations is:

  • ‘Locked?’ – the WHOLE record data fields are locked from editing once that workflow state achieved.
  • ‘Locked Fields’ – allows multiple SPECIFIC data fields to be locked from editing once that workflow state achieved.

This Punch Item editor shows that the ‘Description’ field is locked from editing in the ‘Accepted’ state.

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