Import Systemization Skyline

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Import Systemization Skyline

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Importing Systemization Skyline will create the systems and/or subsystem boxes with their targeted handover dates from Phase and/or Stage.  The purpose of the CCMS Skyline Dashboard is to display the systems and/or subsystems planned custody transfer date at any Phase or Stage of a project.  For larger, more complex projects, that has established custody transfer dates for each subsystem at each Stage of a project will require that the skyline is imported by subsystem and stage.

This training will demonstrate how a subsystems can be assigned a phase custody transfer date for the Mechanical Completion Phase.

When importing the systemization Skyline, the following items must already exist:

It is important the systemization XLS file have the following columns:

Important Notes:  

The process for importing Systemization Skyline is outlined below:




Switchboard Navigation:  Configuration > Data Exchange > Imports

Menu Navigation: Engineering > General Configuration > Imports

Import Wizard Button.


Select IMPORT TYPE view to import against (do not select hyperlink).  The Import Type for importing a PCT list is named Project Control Tasks


Import Edit Form - Browse to File.


Select CHOOSE FILE to browse and select a file (.xls) file to upload into the CE database.  Browse to the XLS file just as if you were attaching an image to a document, it is the same concept.

Press OPEN to commit the file to the import. Once selected the importer will review the XLS file and map all the columns in the Import edit form.  

After mapping the fields, the import tool will perform a “Pre-Import” validation process, where it will present the what the results will be prior to committing to the import.  This is an important feature as it will allow a user to cancel the import as they identified issues if they had proceeded directly with the import.

Press NEXT to map fields.

Import Edit Form - Map Fields (First Import).


The FIRST IMPORT will focus on importing the list of Process Breakdown nodes.   The fields that MUST to be mapped are:

  • Project Summary
  • Process Breakdown Number
  • Process Breakdown Description
  • Process Breakdown Type
  • Process Breakdown Parent Summary

NOTE: The collision behavior is designed to set the business rules for the instance where data already exists in the database. If a record finds a perfect match against the NAME field, then it will apply a collision behavior, where:

  • PRESERVE will NOT UPDATE existing data. If it is a new record, it will insert the data.

  • OVERWRITE will UPDATE the record in the database.

  • CONCATENATE is used to attach new text to existing text in the database.  This is really used only for the comment field.

Press FINISH to process the XLS file into the database.

Important Notes:


  1. Although the Plant level does not have a parent, CE requires you map the PARENT column to the import, otherwise the FINISH button will not enable.  
  2. After the import is executed it will insert a list of Process Breakdown Nodes. They will look like a flat list and not have parent – child relationships as the first import must create the items first. The second import will then build the hierarchy.  
  3. The import would look like this in the systemization module:

After importing the list of nodes, you can confirm by reviewing the number of INSERTS it created in the database.

Import Edit Form - Map Fields (Second Import).


The SECOND IMPORT will focus on creating the parent – child relationships between the systemization nodes.  Follow the same actions as defined in Step 4.  

CE will require the same mapping as the first import.:

  • Project Summary
  • Process Breakdown Number
  • Process Breakdown Description
  • Process Breakdown Type
  • Process Breakdown Parent Summary

Important Notes:  

  1. After the import the nodes will now be ordered by PARENT configuration in the XLS file.

  1. After importing CE will display the number of records that were updated with the PARENT ID, in this case there was only one node (e.g. Plant) that did not have a Parent ID, so out of the 6 items, only 5 were updated with a Parent ID.

Import Log.



Each import will be summarized in the import log.  Select the blue Hyperlink to load the results from any import against this import view.  A user can also select the XLS icon to load the file that was processed.

After importing the PCT list a user will see the PCT list created and if completion details (actual end date) is entered it will automatically assign the PCT a completion status. If a user did not put in “completed by” in the XLS it will insert the name of the person importing the XLS file.

Next Training:  View Import Log

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