Performing a PCA

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  Performing a Production Criticality Analysis (PCA)

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The process for performing a Production Criticality Analysis (PCA) is outlined below:




Navigation:  Completions > Criticality Analysis > Production Criticality Analysis (PCA)

Production Criticality Analysis (PCA) Manager.


Production Criticality (PCA) Manager

PCA Status Box.


Deselect PCA ‘Yes’ status box to search for assets without an analysis.

Asset Selection.


Select the Asset for which you would like to conduct the Production Criticality Analysis (PCA).

Analysis Button.


Select the ANALYSIS button.

PCA Workflow and Analysis.


Answer PCA Workflow and Analysis questions from top to bottom.

NOTE:  Criticality is automatically assigned based on the answers selected.

Press the SAVE button.

Next Training:  Generating PCA Reports

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