Assigning Documents to Assets

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Assigning Documents to Assets

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When creating or editing an Asset record, you have the ability to assign documentation to that asset. The assigned documents creates an “INDEX” that allows plant personnel, engineers and managers alike to quickly understand what documentation is available to them about the selected Asset.   If documents are uploaded into the CE database they will have a hyperlink so that users can view the document prior to assignment.


The document to asset associations is an important function in CE, as it provides the end users either in the office, or in the field, access to critical engineering or vendor information.  Usually, when setting up the database and during importing of engineering data, the linkages between most asset tags and documentation can be performed.    It is quite common, that on an ongoing basis, when additional documents are added to the database on an as-available basis, that a user would edit and asset to assign a document.  

Please note, a fast way to assign documents to assets, is through a “Batch Editing” process, where for example, if a P&ID was provided and all the asset tags were already in the database, a user can batch query and edit a collection of tags on the drawing an assign to the drawing in one step.

Next Training:  Asset Reporting

For internal use only